Mixed Designer's Choice Bouquet
Wrapped Bouquet
Something a little different than the same ol' dozen roses—a mixed flower bouquet!
This designer's choice bouquet will feature a mix of high quality floral & greenery, hand selected and expertly arranged. And we promise to include at least some roses, because it is V-Day after all 😉
Colors will fall anywhere in the range of pinks, whites, purples, reds, burgundies, magentas, etc.
All V-Day flowers will come with a The Lovers tarot card ❤️
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Valentine's Day preorders are available now through February 11th at 8pm, or until we sell out! (Chocolate treat preorders close Feb 7th)
There are two ways to get your V-Day orders:
Delivery is available for all V-Day preorders.
Orders will be delivered on the 14th between 9am and 3pm. We will attempt to contact you the day before with a narrower delivery window.
Or choose to pick up your flowers! Pickup is available:
2/13 from 5-8pm
Dead Bird Brewing
1726 Dr. William Finlayson St.
Milwaukee WI 53212
2/14 from 4pm-7pm
Ritual Floral's Bay View Studio
3865 S Austin St
Milwaukee WI 53207
☺ Real Customer Reviews ☺
"Such beautiful flowers and unique arrangements every time I order from them! I love the personalized touches they add to each order. The have awesome customer service as well! Highly recommend!"
—Rosie G.
"The flowers were gorgeous! And timely delivery. Best part was the easy online ordering process. All was perfect, thank you Ritual!"
—Michelle P.
"Beautiful arrangements, a tarot card of your choice, perfect and timely delivery. I give Ritual Floral 10 stars out of 5!"
—Jan J.